The Marianists
Visiting the Home of the Founder
Young Brothers Travel to France, Spain for Bicentennial

Several brothers from the Province of Meribah, including three novices and an aspirant, observed the order’s bicentennial from France and Spain. Chaminade chaplain and novice master Rev. Garrett Long, S.M. ’62, Provincial Superior Bro. Timothy Driscoll, S.M. ’76, Bro. Patrick Cahill, n.S.M. ’11, Bro. Andrew Santoriello, n.S.M. ’07, Bro. Peter Sennert, n.S.M. ’11, and aspirant Thomas Terrill ’10 walked in Fr. Chaminade’s footsteps through Bordeaux and Saragossa. Bros. Patrick, Andrew, and Peter are completing their first year of the novitiate (hence the lowercase “n” after their names). Terrill is an aspirant.
Meribah pilgrims joined with Marianists from across the world for a Mass of thanksgiving at the Bordeaux Cathedral on Sunday, Oct. 1. They also visited the Chapel of the Madeleine, where Fr. Chaminade founded the Society of Mary, as well as the home of the first Marianist community and the sites of the first Sodality meeting and Marianist school.
Our travelers then crossed the Pyrenees to Saragossa, touring sites in the Spanish city associated with Fr. Chaminade’s exile and inspiration. A special grace was the opportunity to spend a half hour meditating before the Shrine of Our Lady of the Pillar, where the founder received his mission from Mary.
“Discerning my vocation in the same place Fr. Chaminade prayed truly moved my spirit,” Terrill said. “Hearing the stories of so many Marianists affirmed my faith in both God and the work of the Society of Mary.”
Terrill officially joined the Chaminade Marianist Community in June and is teaching four sections of freshman religion at the school. Bro. Patrick, Bro. Andrew, and Bro. Peter have classes at Kellenberg Memorial High School this year.
First photo: Bro. Peter, Bro. Andrew, Thomas Terrill, Bro. Timothy, and Bro. Patrick gather at the Bordeaux Cathedral. At center is an icon of the Wedding Feast at Cana with original letters written by Venerable Adèle and Fr. Chaminade. The icon and letters were on display at Chaminade in January 2017.
Second photo: Marianists from around the world stand with the Meribah brothers before the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Saragossa.