The Marianists
Three Make First Vows as Marianists
Brothers to Work as Teachers in Schools

Three young men professed their first vows to the Marianist Province of Meribah Sunday, June 24. Chaminade graduates Bros. Patrick Cahill, S.M., Andrew Santoriello, S.M., and Peter Sennert, S.M. made vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience at a Mass before family, friends, and Brothers.
Bro. Patrick believes, "Our vows as Marianists call us to help Mary build up the Kingdom in our communities and in our schools. As Brothers, we live out the vows we profess by fostering communities of faith where young people can come to know Jesus, the Son of Mary, and the love he has for each one of them."
First vows follow periods of the aspirancy and novitiate, during which the Brothers discern their religious vocation while serving in Province ministry and living in community.
During the Rite of First Profession of Vows, Novice Master Rev. Garrett Long, S.M. '62 presented the candidates for profession to Provincial Superior Bro. Timothy Driscoll, S.M. '76. Bro. Timothy then questioned the Novices about their desire and resolve in professing the vows of consecrated life to the Society of Mary. Fully-professed Marianists pledged their support and encouragement to the Novices, as did religious from other orders in attendance and the entire Marianist Family.
Each Brother then approached the altar, placed his hand on the Book of Gospels, and professed his first vows. Bro. Timothy extended the official welcome to the Society of Mary.
"We had a long journey to that special day, and we were all excited and honored to be making this commitment to the Society of Mary," Bro. Peter said. "We look forward to living out the vows with help from Mary and the saints and support from the communities at Chaminade and Kellenberg."
Bro. Timothy reflected, "The first profession of Bros. Patrick, Andrew, and Peter is not just significant for these three generous young men who wish to give their lives to Christ. Profession is a reminder to all the Brothers of the roots of our vocation and the importance of our fraternal life together. We share their joy, their hope and their enthusiasm for our mission. Their profession is a sign of life and vitality, a promise for the future of our Marianist mission on Long Island. May God bless our newly professed Brothers with many years of joyful witness to the beauty of a life dedicated as Brothers to Jesus through the imitation of Mary."
Chaminade Marianist Community and Vocations Director Bro. Stephen Balletta, S.M. '74 looked on with a smile during the Mass.
"I was beaming in the congregation – especially because I could see the joy on the faces of Bros. Patrick, Andrew, and Peter," Bro. Stephen said. "These were the first professions in our Province in 14 years. Our three young Brothers show enormous hope for the future and bring youth, vitality, and enthusiasm to the Society of Mary and the Province of Meribah.
"All three are very different individuals," Bro. Stephen continued. "But, all three bring laughter, levity, and generosity to the Community. They are enormously positive role models for our students at Chaminade, Kellenberg Memorial High School, and St. Martin de Porres Marianist School. Their presence has prompted other young men to think quite seriously about vocations. Our students see men just a few years older than they are, living the joy of religious life."
Bro. Patrick said, "Jesus is calling us to enjoy life and to become the women and men He desires for us to become. The communities of faith we hope to inspire in our schools find their source in our community life of prayer and fraternity as Brothers."
The newly-professed Brothers will continue to teach and moderate activities at Chaminade, Kellenberg Memorial, and St. Martin de Porres Marianist School. They will soon study for their masters degrees. The religious community is currently working with an aspirant and several discerners. Deacon Daniel Griffin, S.M. and Bro Peter Heiskell, S.M. '86 are preparing for ordination to the priesthood as Marianists.